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Parallel Dialer FAQs
Parallel Dialer FAQs

Get the answers you need to elevate your parallel dialing on Klenty

Preetham L avatar
Written by Preetham L
Updated over a month ago

A Parallel Dialer combines the power of VoIP dialing with a sales focused function that lets you make calls to more than one prospect at a time. This article is drafted to help you understand some frequently asked questions around Klenty’s Parallel Dialer.

What happens when two prospects pick up at the same time?

  • When we process calls, we break them into milliseconds and analyze them. So there will invariably be time delays and we will connect you to the first prospect who answered.

  • Right after the first connection, we’ll drop the rest of the dialing to prevent having more than one answered call in hand or give you the option to drop and join a different call.

Why are prospect phone numbers not showing up in the Parallel Dialer Ready To Call list?

If you do see your additional phone numbers as part of the Parallel Dialer Ready To Call list, it may be because of one of three reasons:

  • Field not added as a call field: You’d need to have your additional call fields added in as part of the Phone Fields for KIenty to recognise a field as a phone field.

  • Field not selected as part of the session: In every session, you need to select all of the phone fields that you’d want to call to to prevent this from occurring.

  • Prospect got logged in the Cannot Call List: This scenario will occur if they have an invalid number or if you have exceeded the maximum dial attempt for the day.

How do I automatically skip Voicemail connections?

  • At the start of a session, you’ll be able to toggle on automated voicemail detection. You can select the option to skip dropping a voicemail and have the call marked as complete.

  • This way, every time the Parallel Dialer hits a voicemail, it would automatically skip the call and mark it as completed with the status ‘Voicemail’.

    How do I handle the bridge gap during Parallel Dialer call connections?

    • One of the most talked about quirks of the Parallel Dialer is the bridge time gap between connecting a call and you being able to hear the voice coming across. The connection process in a Parallel Dialer call involves three steps:

    Dialing > Ringing > Analyzing > Connected or Voicemail

    • If the voicemail detection is enabled, then we’d check if you’ve been connected to a voicemail or a human before connecting you through. Hence, you have an ‘Analyzing’ stage.

    • While you wait, we’ll have a live transcript that will get populated which will help you in building a context for the conversation before you join.

    To find more information on the kind of options you’d be able to configure before you start your session, you can access this page. or if you’d like to see how you can make a dial via our Parallel Dialer, you can go to this page.

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