What is a Parallel Dialer?
A Parallel Dialer is built to add more prospects per dial to your outreach. On a Parallel Dialer, you’re able to place more than one call at a time thereby tripling and in cases, quadrupling your efficiency by reducing the amount of time you spend in making your dials.
How does Klenty’s Parallel Dialer work?
Klenty’s Parallel Dialer is a simple optional add-on that has been built into Klenty’s existing calling functionality. You begin by simply selecting the prospects you’d wish to place a call to and starting the call.
Once you’re on the calling page, you make the switch to the Parallel Dialer. In two clicks, you’ll have your Klenty Parallel Dialer waiting to power through your calling lists.
How do I start a session?
Klenty’s Parallel Dialer lets you make as much as 5 dials in one calling instance. This means that you can call up to 5 of your prospects from your list with a single dial.
Once you have a few additional configurations set, you’re ready to begin making your calls. To know more about how you can set these up, you can refer to this page.
How do I handle my calling lists?
As soon as the session is initiated, the platform would automatically split your prospect list into ‘Ready To Call’ and ‘Cannot Call’ lists based on several factors.
Cannot Call List: If you have a list of prospects who possess phone numbers that fall into the following criteria, they would be classified as part of the Cannot Call list:
Invalid Number: When your phone number is invalid either because of the number of digits or invalid characters.
Duplicate Numbers: When a specific phone number is a part of more than one prospect in the list. We’ll call the number once and for the first prospect only.
No Numbers: When a prospect doesn’t have a phone number to call to.
Dial Limit Reached: When your attempts to call a prospect via the Parallel Dialer has reached the maximum limit that you have set for the day.
Ready To Call List: Once the ‘Cannot Call’ cases have been filtered out, you’ll have all of the prospects who are ready to be dialed. Within the ‘Ready To Call List’, you’ll find additional information about your prospects:
Number Of Attempts logged
Phone Number
Prospect Local Time
Dials in Last 24h
Schedule Date
Prospect Timezone
Call Source
Prospect Status
Prospect Outcome
Prospect List
Prospect Tag
In addition to the above, you’d also be able to group your prospects by the company that they belong to.
How do I attempt calling via the Parallel Dialer?
The platform would start dialing through your list once you start your session. The prospects who you’re dialing to would show up on the left with their dial statuses.
Dialing using Klenty’s Parallel Dialer has four statuses:
Dialing > Ringing > Analyzing > Answered
After analyzing, each call would either be classified as a Voicemail or as a Human.
If a call is confirmed to be a Voicemail, the dialer would automatically drop the pre-recorded voicemails and complete the call.
While it analyzes, if the prospect speaks then you’ll have it showing up as a live transcript next to their name on the left. If you recognise a call you wish to join, you can override the analysis and join the call.
This process will be continued until you exhaust the list. For every call that gets answered, you’d be able to log notes, outcome and have it saved, both within Klenty and in your CRM.
You’ll have the option to pause your Parallel Dialing session at any point during your dials and if you hit pause, you’ll have an Attempted section that would be available for your review.
What will be there as part of my Attempted section?
The Attempted section would begin with an overview to give you a quick progress check. It would also dive deeper into your session. It would consist of the following information:
Prospect - Name of the prospect with details
Task Status - The status of task that you’re supposed to perform for the prospect
To Number - The number which are associated with the prospect
Call Status - If a call was attempted you’ll see the status of the call
Reason - Each status update would be accompanied with a reason for the status
In addition to the prospect level session details, you’d also have the option to filter by call and task statuses with the ability to retry. This report will be available until you end the session.
Just like the Parallel Dialer, we also have a Power Dialer that would let you make calls sequentially. To try out Klenty’s Parallel Dialer or have your questions answered, please drop an email to support@klenty.com.