To insert an attachment, click on the attachment icon that you find on the email formatting toolbar
The following are the file types that we currently allow to be inserted as attachments.
['.png', '.csv', '.au', '.avi', '.bmp', '.cdr', '.drw', '.dwg', '.dxf', '.eps', '.gif', '.ico', '.img', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.log', '.mdb', '.mde', '.mid', '.midi', '.mov', '.movie', '.mp1', '.mp2', '.mp3', '.mpeg', '.msg', '.nws', '.obd', '.pcx', '.pdd', '.pdf ', '.pic', '.pps', '.pub', '.qbb', '.qbw', '.qdb', '.ra', '.snd', '.text', '.tga', '.tif', '.tsv', '.txt', '.wav', '.wma', '.wmf', '.wri']
So, if you want to attach a Word document(.docx), you would have to first convert it into a .pdf file and attach it. Also, each attachment can be a size of 4MB, and overall, the size of the attachments can be 12 MB in a template.
To insert an image/GIF, click on the insert/edit image icon that you find on the email formatting toolbar. We have a file size limitation of 4 MB for image files.