When you enroll prospects in a cadence and hit "Start Cadence," - you might get an error saying "Prospects failed." You can view the same in the notification bar as well.
When you try to import a CSV file there'll be a message showing "Action in Progress"
You may check why the prospects can't be added by clicking the notification icon.
Click on "View" - here's the explanation you'll get.
Missing placeholder details. Update the Prospect and try again.
Why this error?
This error appears when a placeholder used in the cadence does not get replaced with the corresponding value.
Firstly, Klenty will not launch the cadence for a Prospect if there's an empty placeholder in the email {{ }}.
When you create a Cadence with a set of emails, you might have used multiple placeholders in each email, such as {{FirstName}}, {{LastName}}, {{Company}}, and so on.
Suppose prospects you're enrolling in a cadence do not have values for the placeholders used. In that case, Klenty will throw this error - as it cannot send emails with empty placeholders, i.e. {{FirstName}}.
This error is "Missing Placeholder Details."
How to correct this error?
The most straightforward way to spot this error before launching the cadence is to use the "Preview and Start" option.
Before launching the cadence, you can check how it looks (and make any last-minute changes if you want).
Here's a screenshot to help:
You can see the Prospects you're trying to enroll in the cadence - and what each step in the cadence looks like for them.
Suppose they are any errors with the placeholders not getting replaced with their respective values. Klenty will indicate that to you using an "Exclamation mark" - both near the Prospect's name on the left and the cadence step on the right.
You will get a glimpse of what could be going wrong if you start the cadence now.
Two scenarios here:
If there are just 1-2 Prospects with the error, you can manually correct it for each Prospect - and launch the cadence.
B. You see a placeholder issue with many Prospects.
Let's say you see a placeholder issue with about 50 prospects you're trying to enroll in the cadence - manually correcting for each of them might not be possible.
Then, you will have to go back - and re-import these prospects with the required field details.
While you're trying to import prospects using a CSV file (or a Google Sheet), at the time of mapping the fields, we show a box on the side like this:
The box indicates all the placeholders you've used in the cadence. Here's a sample screenshot:
You can find three fields in the box in the screenshot below: First Name, Company, and Product.
It would help if you mapped these placeholders used in the cadence with corresponding fields of the CSV file. Or whatever your import source might be - Google Sheet or CRM.
On the left of the screenshot below, you can find all the fields on the CSV file: First Name, Email, Phone number, Company.
The fields "FirstName" and "company" of Klenty are mapped with "First Name" and "Company" of the CSV file, respectively.
But the Klenty field {{product}} has not been mapped with any CSV field. Without the "Product" field, Klenty cannot replace the placeholder {{product}} with the corresponding values - and the cadence will not start.
Now, we have mapped all the fields used in the cadence. When all the fields in the cadence are mapped, this is how you will find it:
Now, you can go ahead and click "Start Import."
You can now check if everything looks good from the "Preview and Start" screen.
No exclamation marks in the "Prospects" section on the left? Everything looks good - you're all good to launch the cadence.