You have the option to set up fallback text in case of missing values for any of your placeholders. For example, let’s say your email begins with:
Hi {{FirstName}}, how are you?…
If the first name is missing for a few of your prospects, you can add fallback text to replace it:
Hi {{FirstName||there}}, how are you?...
How do you add fallback text?
Click on the {{Placeholder}} icon
Choose a placeholder from the list
Check the box “Enable Fallback”
Add a static value
Now, let’s see what the email looks like to a prospect for whom there is no value in the FirstName field.
Similarly, you can add fallback text for any placeholders you may have.
{{Company||your company}}
Merry Christmas, {{LastName||pal}}
How Setting a Fallback helps:
Fallbacks can help overcome the error “Missing placeholder details. Update the Prospect and try again.”
This error occurs when the prospects you add to a cadence don’t have values for the placeholders you’ve used.
In this case, if you have a fallback text setup for your placeholders - the fallback values will be used when some of your prospects do not have field values.