Klenty provides you a comprehensive list of endpoints and parameters that empower you to extract valuable data effortlessly. Below are the list of GET API's available in Klenty. We will also look at these endpoints in detail
Get prospect detail by Email
Get prospect status by Email
Get prospect details by Prospect created date
Get prospect detail by the last updated date
Get Prospect status by ID
Get Prospect details with Custom fields
Get Lists
Get Prospects by List
Get User cadences
Get Company Cadences
Get Call Completion details
Get All Webhooks
Get prospect detail by Email
This endpoint expects an email address and will return an object containing details of the Prospect who matches that email address.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
Id (string): the Prospect’s unique id as set by Klenty.
Email (string): the Prospect’s Email id.
FirstName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s First Name.
Company (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company name.
Phone (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Phone number.
FullName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Full Name.
LastName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Last Name
MiddleName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Middle Name.
Account (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Account field.
Department (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Department field.
CompanyDomain (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company Domain field.
Title (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Title field.
TwitterId (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Twitter field.
CompanyPhone (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company Phone field value.
CompanyEmail (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company Email field.
LinkedinURL (string): the value set for the Prospect's LinkedIn URL field.
City (string): the value set for the Prospect’s City field.
Country (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Country field.
Location (string): the value set for the Prospect’s location.
List (string): the list the Prospect belongs to.
Tags (string): tags that are added to the Prospect, if any.
assignTo (string): the email address of the user who created the Prospect or is assigned as the owner of the Prospect.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"id": "5ea6ff1820a3000012b795f4",
"FullName": "Rex A Jose",
"FirstName": "Rex",
"LastName": "Jose",
"MiddleName": "A",
"Account": "Payments",
"Department": "Testing",
"Company": "Klenty",
"CompanyDomain": "klenty.com",
"Title": "SE",
"Location": "California",
"Phone": "+12482394986",
"Email": "rex@klenty.com",
"TwitterId": "https://twitter.com/klentyhq",
"CompanyEmail": "klenty@cc.co",
"CompanyPhone": "+13958059876",
"City": "San Francisco",
"Country": "United States",
"LinkedinURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/klenty-com",
"Tags": "paid",
"List": "leads",
"assignTo": "q1@test.com"
Get prospect status by Email
This endpoint expects the email address of the Prospect, and will return an object containing the status of the Prospect who matches the email address.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
cadenceStatus (string): This returns the Cadence status if the Prospect has been added to a Cadence. This can differ from the Prospect status.
prospectStatus (string): This returns the Prospect’s current status
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"cadenceStatus": "In Cadence",
"prospectStatus": "In Cadence"
Get prospect detail by Prospect created date
This endpoint expects the start date & end date and returns the prospects created between those dates. If the end date is not given, the endpoint considers the present date as the end date. The end date should be ahead of the start date.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
id (string): the Prospect’s unique id as set by Klenty.
Email (string): the Prospect’s Email id.
FirstName (string): the Prospect’s First Name.
Company (string): the Prospect’s Company name.
Phone (string): the Prospect’s Phone number.
FullName (string): the Prospect’s Full Name.
LastName (string): the Prospect’s Last Name.
MiddleName (string): the Prospect’s Middle Name.
Account (string): the account details the Prospect belongs to.
Department (string): the department the Prospect belongs to.
CompanyDomain (string): the company domain the Prospect belongs to.
Title (string): the Title which the Prospect holds.
TwitterId (string): the Prospect’s Twitter handle.
CompanyPhone (string): the Prospect’s Company Contact Number.
CompanyEmail (string): the Prospect’s Company email id.
LinkedinURL (string): the Prospect’s LinkedIn Public Profile URL.
City (string): the Prospect’s city.
Country (string): the Prospect’s country.
Location (string): the Prospect’s location.
List (string): the list the Prospect belongs to.
Tags (string): tags that are added to the Prospect, if any.
assignTo (string): the email address of the user who created the Prospect or is assigned as the owner of the Prospect.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"FullName": "John A Jose",
"FirstName": "John",
"MiddleName": "A",
"LastName": "Jose",
"Company": "klenty",
"CompanyDomain": "klenty.com",
"Account": "Payments",
"Department": "Testing",
"Title": "SE",
"Location": "America",
"Phone": "9600137789",
"Email": "john@klenty.com",
"TwitterId": "Twitter",
"LinkedinURL": "Linkedin@io.co",
"CompanyEmail": "klenty@cc.co",
"CompanyPhone": "4013778",
"City": "California",
"Country": "US",
"Tags": "paid , new , sales",
"List": "leads",
"assignTo": "q1@test.com"
"FullName": "Jordan S Mike",
"FirstName": "Jordan",
"MiddleName": "S",
"LastName": "Mike",
"Company": "klenty",
"CompanyDomain": "klenty.com",
"Account": "Payments",
"Department": "Dev",
"Title": "SSE",
"Location": "America",
"Phone": "9622137789",
"Email": "jordan@klenty.com",
"TwitterId": "Twitter",
"LinkedinURL": "Linkedin@io.co",
"CompanyEmail": "klenty@cc.co",
"CompanyPhone": "40245691",
"City": "Seattle",
"Country": "US",
"Tags": "paid , new , sales",
"List": "leads",
"assignTo": "q1@test.com"
Get prospect detail by the last updated date
This endpoint will fetch prospects based on the last date of update (last interaction with the prospect).
Request Type: GET
is a mandatory parameter. This endpoint will not work if this parameter is not provided.If only
is provided, the response will contain prospects whose lastUpdatedDate falls under the date range oflastUpdatedDateStart
-current date
.If both
are provided, the response will contain prospects whose lastUpdatedDate falls under the date range of: lastUpdatedDateStart - lastUpdatedDateEnd
The response includes the following values:
id (string): the Prospect’s unique id as set by Klenty.
Email (string): the Prospect’s Email id.
FirstName (string): the Prospect’s First Name.
Company (string): the Prospect’s Company name.
Phone (string): the Prospect’s Phone number.
FullName (string): the Prospect’s Full Name.
LastName (string): the Prospect’s Last Name.
MiddleName (string): the Prospect’s Middle Name.
Account (string): the account details the Prospect belongs to.
Department (string): the department the Prospect belongs to.
CompanyDomain (string): the company domain the Prospect belongs to
Title (string): the Title which the Prospect holds.
TwitterId (string): the Prospect’s Twitter handle.
CompanyPhone (string): the Prospect’s Company Contact Number.
CompanyEmail (string): the Prospect’s Company email id.
LinkedinURL (string): the Prospect’s LinkedIn Public Profile URL.
City (string): the Prospect’s city.
Country (string): the Prospect’s country.
Location (string): the Prospect’s location.
List (string): the list the Prospect belongs to.
Tags (string): tags that are added to the Prospect, if any.
assignTo (string): the email address of the user who created the Prospect, or is assigned as the owner of the Prospect.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"FullName": "John A Jose",
"FirstName": "John",
"MiddleName": "A",
"LastName": "Jose",
"Company": "klenty",
"CompanyDomain": "klenty.com",
"Account": "Payments",
"Department": "Testing",
"Title": "SE",
"Location": "America",
"Phone": "9600137789",
"Email": "john@klenty.com",
"TwitterId": "Twitter",
"LinkedinURL": "Linkedin@io.co",
"CompanyEmail": "klenty@cc.co",
"CompanyPhone": "4013778",
"City": "California",
"Country": "US",
"Tags": "paid , new , sales",
"List": "leads",
"assignTo": "hello@klenty.com"
"FullName": "Jordan S Mike",
"FirstName": "Jordan",
"MiddleName": "S",
"LastName": "Mike",
"Company": "klenty",
"CompanyDomain": "klenty.com",
"Account": "Payments",
"Department": "Dev",
"Title": "SSE",
"Location": "America",
"Phone": "9622137789",
"Email": "jordan@klenty.com",
"TwitterId": "Twitter",
"LinkedinURL": "Linkedin@io.co",
"CompanyEmail": "klenty@cc.co",
"CompanyPhone": "40245691",
"City": "Seattle",
"Country": "US",
"Tags": "paid , new , sales",
"List": "leads",
"assignTo": "hello@klenty.com"
Get Prospect status by ID
This endpoint expects an object ID of a Prospect and will return an object containing the status of that Prospect.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
cadenceStatus (string): This returns the Cadence status if the Prospect is in a Cadence
prospectStatus (string): This returns the status of the Prospect
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"cadenceStatus": "In Cadence",
"prospectStatus": "In Cadence"
Get Prospect details with Custom fields
This endpoint will return the value of custom fields for the specified Prospect along with other fields.
Request Type: GET
The response will include the following values:
id (string): the Prospect’s unique id as set by Klenty.
Email (string): the Prospect’s Email id.
FirstName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s First Name field.
Company (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company field.
Phone (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Phone field.
FullName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Full Name field.
LastName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Last Name field.
MiddleName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Middle Name field.
Account (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Account field.
Department (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Department field.
CompanyDomain (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company Domain field.
Title (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Title field.
TwitterId (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Twitter field.
CompanyPhone (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company Phone field.
CompanyEmail (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Company Email field.
LinkedinURL (string): the value set for the Prospect’s LinkedIn URL field.
City (string): the value set for the Prospect’s City field.
Country (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Country field.
Location (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Location field.
List (string): the list the Prospect belongs to.
Tags (string): tags that are added to the Prospect, if any.
CustomFields (string): This returns the values for various custom fields given.
assignTo (string): This returns the email address of the user who created or is assigned as the owner of the Prospect.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"id": "5ea6ff1820a3000012b795f4",
"FullName": "Rex A Jose",
"FirstName": "Rex",
"LastName": "Jose",
"MiddleName": "A",
"Account": "Payments",
"Department": "Testing",
"Company": "klenty",
"CompanyDomain": "klenty.com",
"Title": "SE",
"Location": "Tamilnadu",
"Phone": "9600137789",
"Email": "rex@klenty.com",
"TwitterId": "Twitter",
"CompanyEmail": "klenty@cc.co",
"CompanyPhone": "5656",
"City": "Italy",
"Country": "Italy",
"LinkedinURL": "Linkedin@io.co",
"Tags": "paid",
"List": "leads",
"assignTo": "q1@test.com",
"Custom Fields": {
"gender": "male"
Get Lists
This endpoint expects an email address of a user and will return an object containing the Prospect Lists created by the team.
Request Type: GET
The response will include the following values:
id - List-Id (string): the unique id of the Prospect List.
name - List name (string): The name set for the Prospect List.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"id": "5e9d40b565b8860012667f80",
"name": "America"
"id": "5e9470ed13b7350012b5e69a",
"name": "Leads"
"id": "5e946d6813b7350012b5e5df",
"name": "New Signups"
"id": "5e946b1213b7350012b5e3fb",
"name": "India"
Get Prospects by List
This endpoint expects a Prospect List name and will return an object containing all the prospects in the list. You can also provide start & limit values to filter the response. For example, if you have a list with 100 prospects and you give start=2 & limit=10, it fetches your record from 11 to 20. You can fetch up to 1000 records in a request.
Request Type: GET
The response will include the following values:
id - Prospect id (string): the unique Prospect id set by Klenty.
FullName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Full Name.
FirstName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s First Name.
LastName (string): the value set for the Prospect’s Last Name.
Email (string): the value set for the Prospect’s email id.
listName (string): the list that the Prospect belongs to.
Tags (strings): tags assigned to this Prospect, if any.
assignTo (string): the email address of the user who created or is designated as the owner of the Prospect.
Company (string): the value set for the Prospect’s company field.
List (string): the unique id set for the list that the Prospect belongs to.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"id": "5e7e3a809cfee40012744f97",
"FullName": "Roscoe Beckingham",
"FirstName": "Roscoe",
"LastName": "Beckingham",
"Email": "beckinghama@klenty.com",
"Tags": [
"List": "5e81cd0b873bee0012e6f631",
"assignTo": "roscoe@klenty.com",
"listName": "Australia"
"id": "5e7e3a809cfee40012744f99",
"FullName": "Demetris Burbank",
"FirstName": "Demetris",
"LastName": "Burbank",
"Email": "demetris@klenty.com",
"Tags": [
"List": "5e81cd0b873bee0012e6f631",
"assignTo": "roscoe@klenty.com",
"listName": "Australia"
"id": "5e7e3a809cfee40012744f9b",
"FullName": "Annabal Grastye",
"FirstName": "Annabal",
"LastName": "Grastye",
"Email": "agrastyec@klenty.com",
"Tags": [
"List": "5e81cd0b873bee0012e6f631",
"assignTo": "roscoe@klenty.com",
"listName": "Australia"
Get User cadences
This endpoint expects the email address of the user as an input and will return an object containing cadences that belong to that user.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
id - Cadence id (string): a unique cadence id set by Klenty
name - Cadence name (string): the name set for the Cadence.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"id": "5f9472451123450012b5ef3de",
"name": "New Leads"
"id": "5g946a5c23b7350012b5e3cr",
"name": "Nurture Cadence"
Get Company Cadences
This endpoint expects an email address of a team member and will return an object containing all cadences in that team.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
id - Cadence id (string): a unique cadence id set by Klenty
name - Cadence name (string): the name set for the Cadence.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"id": "5e94724513b7350012b5ef3d",
"name": "website visitors"
"id": "5e946a4b13b7350012b5e3cb",
"name": "outbound campaign"
Get Call completion details:
This endpoint retrieves completed call details based on a specific username and can also retrieve a specific range of call data made by the user on each pagination.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
: The start date for the call records in the format yyyy-mm-dd. It should be within the last 30 days from today.endDate
: The end date for the call records in the formatyyyy-mm-dd
. It should be within the last 30 days from today.page
: The page number you want to access, where each page contains 200 records.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"status": true,
"data": {
"callData": [
"username": "sample.user@klenty.com",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"endTime": "2023-10-09T20:16:10.000Z",
"callSid": "CA7a5b53b35336382213b643546992ee3c",
"disposition": "NOT_ANSWERED",
"type": "OUTBOUND",
"comments": [],
"notes": [],
"prospectPhoneNo": "+18658282437",
"fromNumber": "+15965978966",
"createdDate": "2023-10-09T20:16:01.678Z",
"sharableLink": "https://app.klenty.com/api/call/getCallDetails/850a7dd7c5b63c1ca2900974f0b8bdfcf24b.74c14cf026ebd0c5bfe97497b6d72a1172basded1d93aa1fd7d5d46.65245f810837935464adf731",
"duration": 8,
"startTime": "2023-10-09T20:16:02.000Z",
"purpose": "CALL",
"toNumber": "+18658282437",
"firstName": "Sample",
"lastName": "user",
"fullName": "Sample User",
"email": "sample@klenty.com",
"primaryPhone": "+18658282437",
"company": "Sample Company",
"city": "",
"country": "",
"tags": [
"Stake Holder Movement"
"source": "One off",
"prospectOwner": "sample.user@klenty.com",
"list": "Stake Holder Movement",
"outcome": "",
"cadenceOwner": "",
"name": ""
"username": "sample.user2@klenty.com",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"endTime": "2023-10-06T19:38:28.000Z",
"callSid": "CA21efcb837ab43e8a38cb13578576a5c4",
"disposition": "VOICE_MAIL",
"type": "OUTBOUND",
"comments": [],
"notes": [],
"prospectPhoneNo": "+18658282437",
"fromNumber": "+15965978966",
"createdDate": "2023-10-06T19:38:02.685Z",
"sharableLink": "https://app.klenty.com/api/call/getCallDetails/8f69987b94c33af92890a7f990e9b088abec.0bf923cdc3c31618e2d7efb6a57a1a4cfb63726f3a6f8583.6520j0j82k3621a7f08ddc130713c46",
"duration": 24,
"startTime": "2023-10-06T19:38:04.000Z",
"purpose": "CALL",
"toNumber": "+18658282437",
"firstName": "Sample",
"lastName": "User2",
"fullName": "Sample User2",
"email": "sample2@klenty.com",
"primaryPhone": "18658282437",
"company": "Sample Company 2",
"city": "",
"country": "",
"tags": ["Connected Claims"],
"source": "One off",
"prospectOwner": "sample.user2@klenty.com",
"list": "Connected Claims",
"outcome": "",
"cadenceOwner": "",
"name": ""
"hasMore": true
Note: The ‘page’ parameter allows you to navigate through the results. If the "has more" flag is true, there are more records on subsequent pages. If it's false, there are no more records to retrieve.
Get All Webhooks
This endpoint will return all the webhooks events created by the user along with the webhook URL & id.
Request Type: GET
The response includes the following values:
subscription_url (string): the URL where the event is created.
_id - Webhook id (string): the Webhook id created when the event is generated.
event (string): the event that triggers a webhook.
Click to view sample response
Click to view sample response
"_id": "5e68951c012a6500127abc25",
"webhooks": [
"_id": "5ea2c55cacd65a001239a2c6",
"url": "https://webhook.site/5fa14dd0-3302-4734-bac6-74086afa898d",
"event": "reply"
"_id": "5ea2c5f1acd65a001239a2e1",
"url": "https://webhook.site/5fa14dd0-3302-4734-...",
"event": "startCadence"
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