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Klenty Webhook Events
Klenty Webhook Events

Send data from Klenty to the desired location using Klenty Webhook events

Derrick Gerad Lawrence avatar
Written by Derrick Gerad Lawrence
Updated over a year ago

List of Webhook events available in Klenty:

  • Cadence Completed Without Reply

  • Email Sent

  • Email Reply

  • Email Bounced

  • Email Opened

  • Email Clicked

  • Prospect unsubscribe

  • Send Prospect

  • Start Cadence

  • Cadence First Reply

  • Email Sent from Gmail

  • Call Completion

Cadence Completed Without Reply

This event is triggered when a prospect completes all steps in a Cadence and hasn't replied.

Form values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name, Email id of the person who created the Prospect (Prospect Owner), Email id of the person who made the cadence (Cadence Owner).

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn



cadenceName: Webhook Test

event: completeCadence

Email Sent

This event is triggered when you send an email to the Prospect via Klenty.

Form Values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name through which you contacted the Prospect, Cadence Step Number, Email subject & its content in both text and HTML format along with a timestamp, Mail id of the sender, Thread id & message-id of the email.

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn

event: emailSent

cadenceName: Webhook

CadenceStepNumber: 1

subject line: Welcome to Klenty

EmailBody: Hi Preena,

I know you're busy. Just give me a 1, 2, or 3

1. We'll pass on partnering with Klenty this year. Thanks for the offer!

2. We're interested in the product, but it's not a good time. Reach back out to me in 1 month.

3. I'm interested β€” let's talk!



TimeStamp: 2021-02-15T07:14:44.083Z

ThreadId: 177861b5bc5f851e

messageId: 177861b5bc5f851e

Email Reply:

This event is triggered when a Prospect replies to an email sent from Klenty. Klenty will generate a new event for each reply.

Form Values: include all fields associated with the Prospect, Cadence Name through which you contacted the Prospect, Cadence Step Number, Email subject & its content in both text and HTML format along with a timestamp.

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India


event: reply

subject: Re: webhook test

MailContent: It works! On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:36 PM <> wrote: > > > Hi Preena, testing our webhook events

MailHTML: <div>It works! <br /></div><br /><div><div>On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:36 PM &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; wrote:<br /></div><blockquote><p> </p> <p>Hi Preena, testing our webhook events</p> <p></div>

CadenceName: Webhook

CadenceStepNumber: 1

Email bounced:

This event is triggered when an email to a prospect bounces.

Form Values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with the list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name through which you contacted the Prospect, Email subject & its content in both text and HTML format along with a timestamp.

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn



cadenceName: Webhook

event: onMailBounce

subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

MailContent: ** Address not found ** Your message wasn't delivered to because the Address couldn't be found or is unable to receive mail. Learn more here: The response was: 550 5.1.1 The email account you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at 14sor2286655qkh.100 - gsmtp

MailHTML: <table><tbody> <tr><td> <table><tbody> <tr><td> <table><tbody> <tr><td> Address not found </td></tr> <tr><td> Your message wasn't delivered to <a><b></b></a> because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail. </td></tr> <tr><td> <a href="">LEARN MORE</a> </td></tr> </tbody></table> </td></tr> </tbody></table> </td></tr> <tr> <td> The response was:<br /> <p> 550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at 14sor2286655qkh.100 - gsmtp </p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>

CadenceName: Webhook Test

Email Opened

This event is triggered when a prospect opens an email. Klenty will generate a different response for each open.

Form Values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with the list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name through which you contacted the Prospect, Cadence Step Number, Email Subject, and the Prospect's current status.

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn


cadenceName: Webhook

event: open

subject line: Welcome to Klenty

CadenceStepNumber: 1

Email Clicked

This event is triggered when a Prospect clicks on a tracked link in your email. Klenty will generate a different response for each link click.

Form Values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with the list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name through which you contacted the Prospect, Prospect's current status, and the Link text along with the link URL.

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn


cadenceName: Webhook

event: click

LinkText: Click here

Prospect Unsubscribe

This event is triggered when a Prospect unsubscribes from an email sent via Klenty.

Form Values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with the list & tags the Prospect belongs to and the Prospect's current status.

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn

event: unsubscribe


Send Prospect

This event is triggered when the user manually sends prospect details to Webhook from Klenty. Klenty will generate a different response for each & every prospect action

Form Values: returns all fields associated with the Prospect and the list & tags the Prospect belongs to.

How to Send a Prospect to Webhook:

  1. In your Klenty account, go to the Prospects Page

  2. Click on the checkbox next to the Prospect(s) you'd like to send to the webhook

  3. Click on the 3 dots & from the menu and click on Send to Webhook

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn

event: sendProspect

Start Cadence

This event is triggered when you start a cadence for a particular Prospect or a group of Prospects. Klenty will generate a different response for each Prospect.

Form values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name, Email id of the person who created the Prospect (Prospect Owner), Email id of the person who made the cadence (Cadence Owner).

Sample Response:

FullName: Preena Francis

FirstName: Preena

LastName: Francis

Department: Product

Company: Klenty


City: Chennai

Country: India

Tags: export, test

List: LinkedIn



cadenceName: Webhook

event: startCadence

Call Completion

This event is triggered when you complete a call for a Prospect. Klenty will generate a different response for each Prospect.

Form values: returns all the fields associated with the Prospect along with the list & tags the Prospect belongs to, Cadence name, Email id of the person who created the Prospect (Prospect Owner), Email id of the person who made the cadence (Cadence Owner), and we also pull a couple more fields, you can see the same in the below sample.

Sample Response:

fullName: Preena Francis

firstName: Preena

lastName: Francis

company: Klenty

primaryPhone: +91740142XXXX (prospect's)

city: New Delhi

country: India

tags: Business, call (tags provided for specific prospects)

list: Marketing_List_New

cadence: BusinessMeet



Step number: 1

event: callCompletion

From number: +141581XXXXX

To number : +91740142XXXX

Purpose: Demo Call

Notes: (after the call)

Outcome: Positive

Status: Answered

Duration: 50 Sec

completedDate : 2022 - 08 - 04T14 : 38 : 26+05 : 30

Type: Outgoing

callSid: Unique number which will be generated by Klenty.

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