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Can I import Prospects from Google Sheets?
Can I import Prospects from Google Sheets?

Instructions on connecting your Google Drive and importing Prospects from Google Sheets.

Preena Francis avatar
Written by Preena Francis
Updated over 11 months ago

Google Sheets can be an easily accessible and shareable source to add your prospects to and import them to Klenty.

How to connect the Google sheet?

Login to Klenty and go to Settings -> Integrations -> Google Sheets

Enter the Google Drive account’s email ID that you wish to connect to Klenty and authenticate the permissions.

The status of the integration will be live.

How can I import the Google Sheet?

Click on "Import prospects", which lets you create Sheets and add your prospects’ information. Klenty will create the Sheets in a new Klenty folder in your Google Drive.

  1. Enter a name to create a new Sheet and it will be displayed along with the list of Sheets.

  2. From here, click on the arrow to open up the Sheet basically, it will be empty

  3. Copy your prospect details over to this new Sheet.

  4. Once copied, from Klenty click on the Import button on the Sheet you want to import.

  5. Klenty will automatically map your Sheet headers with Klenty prospect fields. You can verify and edit as required and create a new custom field if there are no prospect fields that match your requirements.

Organize the Import data:

Add to a list or tags if needed, you can also assign the prospect ownership using the "Assign to" option. Select your teammate's email address from the drop-down to assign the prospect owner to their name.

Click on Start Import to start adding the prospects under the respective List along with the Ownership in Klenty.

How to automate the workflow?

Once you Import a Sheet, you can

  • Enable the auto-import option to automatically import new additions in the Google Sheet for every 30 minutes (remember to add the new prospects to the last row of the Sheet).

  • Click on Import New Rows or Import from Row 1 to immediately import any new additions to the Sheet.

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