To send emails via Klenty, you are required to connect your email address to Klenty. We support direct connection with Gsuite and Outlook emails and custom SMTP servers.
However, you might face issues while connecting the emails as there are permissions involved in your providers admin level settings. This article helps you troubleshoot such instances and to complete your email connection.
Error: The email ID does not match
This is a most common error that appears when one of the following conditions does not match:
When you choose to connect the email using Gmail/ Outlook, you get a pop up window to enter the email address. Make sure the email you entered in this page and the email you're trying to authenticate in the next page matches
Solution: Make sure the right email account is chosen in the authentication page. If not, close the tab and start the email connection from Klenty again
2. Make sure other email accounts are not logged in on your browser. When you click connect in Klenty, this will redirect you to the email authentication page of Gsuite/ Outlook. It should ask you to sign in using the email and password and not automatically try to authenticate
Solution: Sign out of the other email accounts on your browser or try from an incognito/ private window
3. If you're trying to connect a Gsuite account, make sure the permissions are accepted in the authentication page shown below. If you choose to cancel, then email connection will not be completed and throws this error
4. If you're trying to connect an Outlook account, make sure you have an active outlook license. If you have purchased Microsoft suite, then please reach out to your IT team/ Admin to assign a Outlook License
5. The outlook username and the user principle name should match - This can be verified by your outlook admin.
Request Admin consent - Outlook connection
If you're trying to connect your outlook account directly to Klenty using Outlook credentials and your admin has restricted the access to connect the 3rd party apps, you might see the below page:
How do I get this approved?
Just type in your request reason in the above page and click on request approval. You can now refresh your page or go back to your Klenty account
Meanwhile, your Outlook Admin would've received this request and they can follow the below steps to approve your connection.
Login to
Choose Enterprise applications on the Home page
Choose Admin Consent Requests from the left panel
Click on Klenty from the list of apps and choose "Review Permissions and Consent"
Once your admin approves the request, you can login back to Klenty and try connecting your email address.
Note: Same steps apply when you are trying to connect your Outlook Calendar to Klenty
Encountering Error in URL
While trying to connect to your email address, you might enter the credentials in the authorization page of Gmail/ Outlook. However, after entering the email credentials the page just refreshes and gets back to Klenty page, but you might find email is not connected
Possible reason is that there was an error during the connection and the connection was interrupted. You can find the error messages in the URL
If you encounter such issues, please try to remove the error from the URL and retry the connection. You can also logout from your Klenty account and sign in back which refreshes the error URL.
SMTP Connection Errors:
If you are using custom servers except for Gsuite/ Office 365, to connect your email to Klenty use the SMTP/ IMAP connection. Basic requirements to connect your email via SMTP & IMAP are
SMTP & IMAP host name - Differs for each email provider and can be custom. Reach out to the provider or your IT team who helped to set up the email
Know if you have 2FA enabled - If yes, create application specific password instead of regular password
To know more about the connection, click here
If the above troubleshooting steps did not work, please do not hesitate to reach out support team via in app chat. You can also email us at
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